Senior Finalist: Zara Wardrop

Today, we introduce our fourth Senior Class Finalist, Zara Wardrop.

Zara is a Scottish Soprano studying at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) under the tutelage of Wilma MacDougall. She is kindly supported by the Sir John Caird Trust and The Cross Trust.

Prior to RCS, Zara completed her undergraduate at the Royal Northern College of Music, achieving a first-class Bachelor of Music with Honours in Vocal Studies and Opera.

Whilst studying there, Zara thoroughly enjoyed performing in the RNCM Opera productions of Massenet’s Cendrillon, Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel, Puccini’s Suor Angelica and Vaughan William’s Pilgrim’s Progress. She also explored the art of song through the RNCM Songsters which included many external performances and masterclasses.

She has also completed a Postgraduate Diploma of Education at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and holds full registration with the General Teaching Council of Scotland.

Outside her studies, Zara is passionate about promoting the arts to young people and new audiences, hence founding the organisation Kickstart Opera. Through her teaching and development of Kickstart Opera, Zara was awarded the RNCM Entrepreneurship Award supported by the RNCM Principle Circle and Yamaha UK.

Song Competition tickets are now available and can be purchased here.


Senior Finalist: Victoria Price


Senior Finalist: Colum Donovan-Paterson